Our story is 30 years in the making
and community has always been at the center.
How it began
For over 30 years, Malachi’s has faithfully served seniors, children, parents, singles, and homeless people of all ages with dignity and respect for each individual, with no matter to what life experience brought them to us. Started in 1991, Malachi’s has grown organically over the years by following God’s lead in serving others. We hope to continue our mission of nourishing both body and spirit, while honoring the dignity of every human being around the giving and receiving of food. We invite you to join us on our journey of radical hospitality!
In the Beginning. Fr. Gray Temple, rector of St. Patrick’s, was known for his generosity in giving money to anyone who needed it. Thus, a group was formed by Anita Beaty, Director of Task Force for the Homeless and St. Patrick’s parishioner, to survey, evaluate, and respond to the frequent requests for assistance made by people in need from the surrounding community. Sprung from this desire to help others, Malachi’s Storehouse was born. The name, Malachi’s Storehouse, is credited to parishioner Kitty Dahlberg, based on the Bible passage from Malachi 3:10. (Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it). This Bible verse has proven to be prophetic – God has always provided enough for Malachi’s.
Malachi’s main purpose has always been to provide food to anyone who needs it. Malachi’s client base began small, with about 20 to 30 families coming for groceries on a Wednesday. In the beginning, the food for distribution was primarily donated by Kroger and St. Pat’s parishioners, who would collect canned goods for the pantry.
Malachi’s became a partner agency of the Atlanta Community Food Bank in mid ‘90’s. This partnership gave Malachi’s access to more food. Our volunteers would drive to downtown Atlanta once a week to shop for food, load their cars, drive back to Malachi’s and unload it. This process continued for 10 years or so. As our client base grew and the amount of food we needed doubled, the Atlanta Community Food Bank began delivering our orders every week to the great relief of our volunteers. Today we receive about 3 pallets of food from the ACFB every Tuesday, where a team of 10 volunteers unloads and stores the food.

more than a partnership...
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
St. Patrick’s strives to follow Jesus as we welcome, love, nurture and feed all God’s children. Our vision is to take the gospel outside of our doors and into our neighborhoods, “Partnering with God’s great love, stepping out as creators of justice and joy.”
Malachi’s Storehouse is an outreach ministry of St. Patrick’s, and has become “Church on Wednesday.”
Community Partners
We are successful at what we do because of our wonderful partnerships with great organizations in the community. These partners provide Malachi’s with everything we need to ensure that our clients have what they need.

Judi Carlson, Director
Martin Chen
Charis Dike
Rev. P. Richard Game
Judy Greig
Debi Keane
Carissa Malone
Ida Parris
April Toms
Wayne Ware

Malachi's Stories
In 2023, volunteers and clients shared their stories and they are available to read in this collection. We hope you will find connection with the lives of the people who have shared their stories here.
Malachi’s Prayer
Life is short.
We do not have much time
to gladden the hearts of those
who make this mysterious journey with us.
So let us be quick to love.
Make haste to be kind.
And may the One who created us
And loves us
And walks with us
Keep us in peace
Now and always.